Monday, October 27, 2008

Just like I protested the scrapbooking trend and gave in, I am now officially a blogger, at least for today. My big sister Amy forced me to, and now she's sitting right by me so I'm feeling pressured to say nice things about her. Tough luck. I'm stubborn. But she says that she is beautiful, intelligent, funny, generous, kind-hearted, mechanically inclined...... That's enough.


Amy said...

Not so sure there was much FORCE involved. Just that she liked mine SO MUCH that she had to have one, too:0)

Katy said...

You jerk! How come you didn't call and tell me right away that you had a blog? Cute background, by the way. Of course, I don't expect any less when it's you. :)

Edna said...

Since Amy sent a copy of this email to Lisa I am suspicious that Lisa didn't previously know she had a blog...

I'm glad to see those photos from the wedding! Cute family, Lisa! And, Amy, we missed all of your family!