Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my 27th birthday. I'm getting too close to 30 for comfort. I'm having a little mini-midlife crisis and wondering what I've accomplished in those 27 years. I did get some laundry done today, didn't yell at the kids, and even managed to stay in a good mood which is pretty impressive for me, especially lately. Is there something else I should be trying to accomplish? ;) Thanks to everyone who helped make my birthday special, it was a great day! (Despite the number)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Amy is always right

Thanks for telling on me, Amy. And she's right, I probably won't update this very often. I'm a total slacker at uploading my photos and I'm pretty sure that I don't know how to run this blog business anyway. And while we're on the subject of Amy, I know she loves when we talk about her, thanks for letting me come see you. I had a great time just chillin' with you and the family and it was fun to see where you've made your home ;) Only bad thing about the trip was that I had to come home and try to get my house in Amy order. (It's not going so well.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Just like I protested the scrapbooking trend and gave in, I am now officially a blogger, at least for today. My big sister Amy forced me to, and now she's sitting right by me so I'm feeling pressured to say nice things about her. Tough luck. I'm stubborn. But she says that she is beautiful, intelligent, funny, generous, kind-hearted, mechanically inclined...... That's enough.

Cindy's wedding

Baby Cindy's wedding. This is the whole family minus slacker Amy and her family that couldn't make it. Great day!